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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Seducing guys you know who are straight
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Old 14th November 2004, 10:51 PM
KewlDewd66's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 400
Talking Environment...

Good advice here.

I would stop short of making it a habit of going after the straight guys who would be likely to succumb to the temptations of 'situational bisexuality'. The time and effort invested stands in no proportion to the results you may reasonably hope to achieve. Besides, as already mentioned, there are so many willing gay guys around, anyway.

Yet, the general attitude has been changing rapidly over the last few years. A number of mostly straight guys would not hesitate to mess around with other dudes, if the circumstances are right. Being gay has become largely acceptable in most urban(e) areas. Being occassionally 'bi' even more so.

This does not go on to say that virtually everyone is a 'fair game' but it seems to me that fewer mostly straight guys would see an occassional trip to 'the other side' the end of the world as they knew it. Quite a few guys in their 20s mostly go by the notion that 'anything goes' for as long as no one gets hurt.
The guy who keeps my comps here running is a gifted college kid trying to make an extra euro on the side. We have known each other for some two years now and he stops by to check the system once every month or so. We never became very close and personal but we treated each other with respect. (He is half my age.) I met him and his gf several times in one of the cool downtown places where we just bumped into each other and I bought them couple of drinks. They looked like a typical couple of college kids, having fun and enjoying each other's company. I certainly did not try to push my envelope. We got our drinks, shot the breeze for for a while and left it there.

Last week one of the wlan components needed a replacement and he stopped by after hours to have the problem fixed. He thanked me for buying them drinks the other day and said, this was so cool and I really did not have to do that. (I sure, did not... but I thought that a little act of kindness was not going to hurt anyone.)

A bottle of wine later, the dude asked me, if I liked his gf and I truthfully said, I thought she was a nice gal and all. He had a big smile on his face and obviously felt good about it. He also went on to say that he liked her a lot but that being faithful was not one of his qualities. He was hoping to get as much fun as he could before he settled down, got married, etc., so he was playing field a lot. I said 'Dude, go for it. Good times won't last forever'. He gathered all of his courage and asked me what was I doing in that respect. Sure, I saw this coming and admitted that I was playing the field, too, had no strict committments and loved it that way. 'Wow, that was so cool.'

I asked him, if he was going out that evening and he said, he had absolutely no plans, wanted the chill out but did not feel like going back home, since he was busy the whole day and had no time to buy any dinner. I saw the writing on the wall, as they say and asked him, if he wanted to kill another bottle of wine with me and grab a bite at my place. 'Yeah, absolutely.'

A bottle of wine and a couple of cold turkey sandwiches later, we were making out like there was no tomorrow. He gave me an amazing blow job. He had not done anything of the kind since the high school and was not planning on it but he felt like it and so he went for it. Absolutely no drama. Gee, no one really cares.

He phoned last night and asked, if we could meet next week. Yeah, he liked the wine and thought we connected well...

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