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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Improving the taste of cum?
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Old 9th December 2004, 02:45 PM
ScruffyCub's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 400

Well, we've hit on this topic a few times in the past, too.

I think I may even recall that URL you posted, but I don't feel like checking it out right now (it's cold outside, the heat is on, I feel drowsy, etc.).

Probably the recipe in question involves pineapple juice: this seems to be a standard suggestion.

I've heard all sorts of stuff: any fruit juice, chewing parsley, taking vitamins, drinking lots of water, eating chocolate, etc.

I'm guessing that there's SOME truth to SOME of this stuff, but I wouldn't take any of it too seriously.

Every dude has his own unique taste. This is not limited to his cum: his body will taste a certain way, his dick a certain way, his saliva a certain way, etc.

Much the same can be said for how certain guys smell.

I'm not talking about guys who stink from BO -- I'm just talking about the differences between human beings in general. We're all unique, though there are certain "categories" of tastes and smells which are often repeated.

You guys know exactly what I mean.

I met a really handsome little cub-guy last week. Man, oh, man... he was nice. He clearly thought the same of me. We spent about half an hour using up all our combined tokens in a video booth, just kissing and kissing and enjoying each other.

This guy tasted GREAT. His taste was one I've had before. I don't know how to describe the taste of GOOD male saliva, though I imagine that I could do it if I put my mind to it. But not right now.

The point is -- we enjoyed each other's flavor. It was evident and undeniable. We practically were drinking each other's spit.

There is some aspect of chemistry to this, too: sometimes two dudes create a combined FUNK that is highly unappealing. Other times, you both create a really nice, masculine, sensual smell and taste.

A straight female friend of mine claims this happens with her, too. I have no reason to doubt it: seems logical to me. Straights are people, too!

One dude who sucks me off from time to time claims I have the best cum he's ever tasted. He has told me of BIGGER dicks which he has enjoyed (I don't mind these tales, but I do find them kind of odd), but he always emphasizes that MY cum is his favorite. The dude is my age -- and has presumably eaten a lot of sperm in his life.

So something about MY cum makes him happy. Maybe it is the COMBINATION of his mouth and my dick and my cum (he tastes good to kiss), or maybe he just likes my cum.

Other guys have NEVER commented on my cum -- maybe they like it, maybe they do not. Still others seem kind of neutral.

If it helps any, I drink a LOT of fruit juice, a LOT of water, a LOT of Coca-Cola and a good amount of Kool-Aid. These are all HIGH sugar drinks, except the water.

Does this make my cum taste good? I have no fucking idea. Maybe.

I tried my own cum a couple times, a little lick here and there -- but this doesn't thrill me. It seems OK to me. Having tasted some BAD cum in my day, I CAN say that my own cum does NOT have that awful, bitter, nasty taste I've experienced before. So that's good, I suppose.

Keep hydrated. Experiment with various liquids. See what works for you.

It will help if you have a partner who can provide an opinion on a regular basis, of course.

I think we're looking at half-bullshit, half-truth when it comes to cum flavoring techniques. Probably there's no "miracle" flavor enhancer, but also I'm sure that certain things will tend to make your sperm taste better than others.
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