I do not btm that much but oddly when I do I go whole hog and do tend to search out the monster-monster-monster cocks (monster truck reference).
A friend who fucks me now and again told me to try some of this stuff he had for a non-sex related injury. It is a vaselinish paste which has the same content as the pills heart patients put under their tounge, nitro glycerine. He tells me it is a great smooth muscle relaxer and is not dangerous if you use just a small amout. Since I was dying to get laid that day I tried it and I am not dead but I am skeptical (nitro? exploding ass!).
It was quite sexy, since it almost felt like poppers since I got a head rush (he says it hits the blood stream fast) and did allow him in and to fuck me smoother (less OH, OW, OH, OW from me). Then again it is a thick paste like frozen vaseline or something so maybe I was just well lubed and horny as fuck (yes).
Any medical types want to comment here? My ass did feel funny after and was loose like a muscle relaxer was in effect (as he said) and I did love the fuck. I am just concerned about things with medication in them...
Any commentary? It was a hell of a lube but not enough to touch off an aneurism...