No family doc is going to think twice about your yeast infection, if that is what it is. And infections happen irrespective of hygiene. Yeast infections are a close cousin of Jock Itch. Docs see it all the time as yeast infections are quite common. Go, get it taken care of.
Men and women pass yeast infections back and forth. If one partner has a yeast infection, usually the doc will treat both, because if he doesn't, they just pass it back and forth.
A good female friend of mine once complained at length about her husband's drinking habit. He would have a beer or two about once a month, come home horny and want some sex from her. If she gave in, she got a yeast infection. If she stood firm and didn't put out, no infection. I figured he gave her a good tongue-lashing as part of the fun and the yeast on his breath had a field day. Or he pissed yeasty urine, and then passed it on to her. Either way, she finally told him it was either beer or sex--his choice. He could have one or the other but not both. I never found out what he chose.