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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Odd Happennings
Thread: Odd Happennings
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Old 26th January 2005, 10:02 PM
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 103

With a movement towards acceptance of homosexuality there will be less "homosexual" men entering into the traditional insitution of marriage with a "heterosexual" woman, tied to all the expectations like monogamy that come with that. I think what you're referring to here is the accetpance of "bisexual" men, who prefer the intimacy of a woman, yet, have sexual needs that can only be met buy another man or maybe at times it's an even score and they have both intimate and sexual needs to be fufilled by both men and women.

I'm not really hopeful that these kinds of arrangements, although I'm sure they do exist, will be increasing all that much in the mainstream due to the hostile attitude our culture has towards bisexuals, especially in the community of gay men.

It's only my experience, but I see a lot of anger, prejudice and hositility directed towards bisexuals from gay men. I've even seen postings on here that indicate that. There's a thread in one of these columns about situational bisexuality that spun into a debate on "cheating" and how ethical it is for bisexual men to sleep with men on the side outside of their marriage. Just the fact that the posters are quick to direct judgement instead of understanding sends a message of intolerance, right here on an explicit male to male sex web site, so, looks like we have a long way to go in that respect.

However, from what I study in Sociological journals, there is a slight change in the current with the womens sexual movement. Women are slowly changing their agenda in regards to family, marriage etc. It seems that they're coming to a more tolerant perspective in sexuality in regards to marriage and may be open to a different type of "domestic arrangements", so to speak, in regards to attaining their goals when it comes to marriage and family, allowing more flexiblity with their partners sexual needs as well as paying attention to their own. It's a two way street after all ;-)
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