Thank you so much for the reply dr.danny. I will try to get a hold of my friends dig. camera to take a pic and will pm you when I do.
I thought it was also very odd that the clinic would tell me to do something without seeing me, but I went and did it as I really wanted to get rid of what it was and since all of the STD test results came back negative.
As far as diabetes, I was adopted right after birth and although my parents were given some medical history of my birth parents, this was not mentioned. I have my physical coming up in august, though do you suggest I try to make an earlier appointment to check it out?
I will go out this evening and get the lotrimen and start to use that. Again, you are the best. You have put most of my fears to rest THANKS! Hope it works. Just went and pulled up the posts that you have mentioned and read through those as well.
As far as the j/o goes, I am used to doing it at least once a day and haven't for 2 weeks. This is definately not going to be easy, but want my dick back to nomal