No, I didnt seek it out...this is a very long story so I will try and be as brief as possible..all priests are the same..they are really,really,really,really horny old men & they expect to get what they want, when they want it...all they want to do is get there dick sucked & once you do it they dont want you to ever stop..b/c they dont get it very often, if it all started my soph.year w/ the Principal..he was chasing me for weeks, stopped me in the hallway..he would pull me out of class..he didnt give a fuck how bad it looked or if people were getting suspicious or if the teachers were giving me dirty afternoon as I was going into my Algebra II class he told the teacher he had to speak to me..we went into an empty classroom and he unzipped his pants & told me to suck his dick...I wasnt interested, I told me no & walked out..BUT for the rest of the day I couldnt stop thinking about that big the next day I went into his office & told him that i would do it, he closed the door & I sucked him off..judging by his reaction he probably had not had a blowjob in about 20-30 years..many times I wanted to suck him off & there were many times I didnt but this guy would not take no for an answer..yes it was very dangerous for him, had we got caught he would have gone to jail & they would have closed the school..but he didnt care, all he wanted was his dick junior year he led a school trip to Europe & told me that the he would find the money for me to go(how exactly would I tell my parents why the school was being so nice to me & nobody else)I didnt go & he was pissed ...this guy told several of his priest friends about me & they would stop & ask "Since you sucking off Father J, how about me"if he was a good looking guy I would do it..I said no to a lot of them..the reason I got involved w/ the Chemistry teacher is that the Principal told him what was going on so we could use his office..the priests had a residence attached to the school & there were several entrances to it, where you could go into it & nobody would see you..One day my senior year our luck ran out..I walked out one of the entrances which was in the basement of the school & an English teacher caught me..first he thought I was stealing(yeah right)..he didnt have to be Sherlock Holmes to figure out what I was doing in the Priests residence & when he did he went crazy..was going to call the cops but he didnt b/c I told if my father found out he would throw me out of the house..the Principal lived in total denial..a week later he started begging me to suck him off again..I never did & he never stopped..even after I graduated this guy would call my house..I told him my parents are asking questions but he never seemed to listen..the only reason he stopped is that I went & talked to another priest & begged him to talk to him..what do you think he wanted in return?..this I was more than happy to do b/c this guy was gorgeous..we sucked and fucked each other for years & he gave me the best bj that I ever had...
Believe me this is the cliffs note version.