Dear BKK sauna lovers ,
Is THIS the trend in BKK sauna at the moment ?
Sauna Mania has " SUMO night " on every Friday of July .
They provide loin cloth or clothes ( 3 choices ) insted of bath towel .
There were so many young sexy good looking guys last night !
Their dark maze zone was hotter than FAROSE's dark rooms .
Orgy and group sex were EVERYWHERE .
Even some amateur fuxk shows through those small windows of private room ( including one act between a young farang and commercial boy )
This is not the first time I saw such amateur show here .
I don't know WHY commercial boys take their customers to this sauna and don't cover small windows . To have sex ? Or to show ?
Anyway , thanks .
By the way , they have " UNDERWEAR night " on Sat .
And " SKIN night " ( YES ! This is NAKED night ) on Sun .
But they change their schedule often , so I am not sure about next month .
I will keep you updated .