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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Again, America gets it right, Europe gets it wrong
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Old 10th July 2005, 06:01 PM
Join Date: Sep 2000
Posts: 84

As for my absence: has anyone noticed how pathetic this BB has been of late???

Anyone notice Scruffy has been missing? I had to make it look as if he is me...

Teva, I wasn't thinking about you when this was posted. BUT, these are recent, well conducted studies. I like my guys cut, I make no bone (ouch) about it. But as an MD, I do have to face the reality of how "artificial" lopping off a little boys foreskin really is. And I know that the main reason was to stop Victorian boys from jacking off. I ain't Victorian (or English for that matter), and heaven knows, it didn't help me one bit. But 70% reduction in HIV transmission is nothing to be sneezed at.

To have a study this large stopped for ethical reasons says a hell of a lot. America was in the forefront of the AIDS epidemic, and HIV/AIDS is one hell of a minor problem here compared to the rest of the planet. And as we all know, it is pretty rare to find an uncut guy in any locker room here in the States. These studies clearly show that it is NOT a coincidence.

When adults come to me professionally asking about getting circumcised, I almost always discourage it. Now however, if an adult gay man were to come to me and asked about elective circumcision, I honestly think it would be immoral on my part not to encourage him to proceed. So as far as I'm concerned, you guys can rage against your parent's evil intentions, the injustice and how horribly you've been mutilated, but if it saves you just that one time when you got drunk and bare backed that beauty, well, nuff said. Your folks made the RIGHT decision, albeit for the wrong reason! You may not be happy about it, but I'm glad you got mutilated.

As for God's thinking, that is pretty straight forward. (I'm not God, I just stand in for him in real life, and no, I never stay at a holiday inn...) You want to be among the chosen, your dick gets clipped on the eighth day, not a minute sooner. No ifs, ands, or butts. (Actually, the Torah is pretty clear that if an uncle had a bleeding disorder, it was forbidden to circumcise the nephews. Bit of trivia for you, plus an interesting take on medical genetics, circa 3000 BC)

And no, haven't been to Europe for about 3 months, but will be going back for Labor Day. I love the place, even if their politics, strikes, newspapers, and unemployment rates are pathetic. And I've been reading that circumcision is becoming the in thing to do in Germany. Perhaps it's time for me to do a little field research. Any suggestions?

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