Dear BKK sauna lovers ,
This month , SAUNA MANIA has " Skin's night " on Sundays and also this Thursday ( public holiday )
This is of course " NAKED NIGHT " ( I guess someone asked about this b4 checking recent posts

They start at 7PM .
Just b4 7PM , staffs ask all customers on the 3rd floor to go out to make sure no one enters with a bath towel on .
SO , even if you are in the middle of fuxk session in a private cabin , they do ask you to " GET OUT "
But you can move up to one of the roof top cabins .
After the staffs clear the 3rd floor ( where the all air-con priavate cabins and dark orgy maze are ) , now you can come to enter the 3rd floor ( Now naked floor ) only by using one entry point from the 4th floor steam sauna area ( other entry points are closed after 7PM )
At the biginning of the naked hour , many guys are shy to take off a bath towel .
But , say around 7:30PM , it's like an open sex area . Naked body , group sex and exhibisionisim EVERYWHERE .
There were so many people ! I couldn't believe their limited number of lockers could accomodate this many guys ( including extreamly yukky guys too )
I cannot concentrate on only one guy at a time !
It resulted many many group sex .
Before 7PM , there wouldn't be much hot action , so go there just after 7PM on SKIN'S NIGHT .
But unlike SKIN"S NIGHT , you don't need to wait SUMO'S NIGHT
( loin cloth night ) till 7PM .
When they open ( 3PM on Fridays ) and onward , you just have to wear SUMO costume .