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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - ATLANTA is DEAD.....moving into DARK ages
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Old 21st July 2005, 04:32 AM
Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 9
3rd option

ya'll know there IS a third option..... Vote libertarian. "What!..and just throw my vote away" you say? Not so. I remember the Ga insurance commisioners race seveal years ago when Oxindine (sp?) & the other guy were a dead heat. In order to vote in the run off election you had to vote in the general election. it was obvious from the polls that the Dem/Rep voters weren't going to change their minds & most straight ticket voters would be a no show. The entire election was carried by about 700 of us libertarians. Believe me... we could have asked either candidate to come over & mow the grass & I believe they would have showed. A libertarian vote is not a vote for the right or left, it's a vote for LESS government. (BTW - Oxendine won & he is a total asshole/liar firmly in the pocket of the insurance companies his days are numbered) Rocco...I didn't know you were hispanic, Senior W is a moron that probably couldn't manage a Taco Bell..albeit thats exactly what he's turning the country into. I used to call him "baby Bush, but i'm beginning to lean toward Little Lyndon.