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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - ATLANTA is DEAD.....moving into DARK ages
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Old 26th July 2005, 10:47 PM
The Tucker Sucker
Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 1

Well, since everyone is throwing their two drops of cum in on this subject, I might as well too. I have long felt that you could put all of the true sex that happened as a result of CFS into a tea cup, so we might as well have political agruments. It is generally much more entertaining reading than: "Hot bottom in Acworth seeks 12 inch hung top, under 20 years please!"

The Atlanta sex scene has changed (For the worse, meaning less of it.) because we have changed and the city has changed. You might argue that this is either good or bad, either way it is a fact. You really can't blame Shirley Franklin, she hasn't done anything. The various sex clubs: SEMCO; Steam and Eros all closed for different reasons and many rumored ones. If a place isn't up to fire code it should be closed down. I don't want to fry getting my cock sucked because the electrical work is shoddy or the fire doors are bolted shut. Many of the old cruise spots are long gone. Remember Dutch Valley off Monroe? Posh condo's there now. Remember when you could drive through Piedmont Park and get out and do it in the bushes with 60 other guys? You can't find a parking space ten blocks from the park now.

Politically we are becoming a one party city, state and nation just as surely as the old Soviet Union was. Atlanta is a black island in a sea of white. Think you will ever live to see a Republican mayor or city council in Atlanta or most of Fulton and Dekalb Counties? Not if you were born yesterday. You will however see various black politicans trashing gays and raiding movie theaters inorder to court the black religious vote.

Think you will see a Democratic governor or General Assembly in Georgia anytime soon? Oh, maybe in thirty or forty years. You will however see white and black politicans kicking the dead dog of gay marriage and ending funding for state subsidized HIV drugs for the poor inorder to court the rural and church vote.

Think you will see a true two party system in Washington anytime soon? Probably not. The Republicans seem to have the Congress, the Presidency and the Supreme Court sewn up and in their control for many decades to come. We need a big, daddy sheriff
to protect us from the twin scourges of Christian civilization: Muslims and homosexuals. They will play this card as long as they possibly can until the house of cards the whole fallacy is built on comes tumbling down.

The Democrats are only slightly less worse than the Republicans only because the latter have all the power. What I can't quite understand is all of the Republicans, gay and straight, who can do nothing but whine, complain and victimize themselves. You won baby! It's your ball game now, lock, stock and WMD! We have had Republican Presidents for 18 of the last 25 years. (Clinton won despite himself, it was Bush I's to loose.) You have had control of the Congress for the last 11 years. The majority of the Supreme Court Judges were appointed by Republican Presidents. What are you belly aching about? Still you must have a boogey man and if you can't think of anything else to call it, call it "liberal."

The people in control now, be it the local courthouse, statehouse or the White House have no political philosophy right or left. It is all about POWER! And they will say anything, do anything and kill anybody in order to keep and maintain it.
"Pass me the poppers boys, this one's got landing lights."