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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - ATLANTA is DEAD.....moving into DARK ages
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Old 30th July 2005, 01:35 PM
GayWillow's Avatar
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Atlanta is not dead for cruising!

! There are plenty of new places to cruise and meet other guys in Atlanta but they are no longer being listed on anymore. I know because I get plenty of cock at them often. They are out there. We have evolved once again back to a old reliable method that has always worked. To find out where new cruise areas are it will take turning off the computer and getting out asking other gay people. Even read the grout between the tiles!! They will tell you. Finding gay cruise areas has gone back to a old reliable safe method \"WORD OF MOUTH\". Most of us real fags do not feel comfortable cruising places that have been heavily advertised online anyway and never go to them. Every gay person I talk to at a cruise area hates what the (Internet FRONT PAGE WORLD WIDE NEWSPAPER) and (GWB church & company) has done to gay cruise places anyway. The ones they know about. Hee\' You will not find any of the new cruise places online for now and hopefully never because once they are listed its the same old - same old thing every single time, they quickly are crashed and busted by the usual SICK cops-antigay-religious..etc. or whatever and not only that - they are overloaded just before the burn every single time! One of the stupidest things in the world is to try to stop people from having sex because its not ever gonna happen and one of the best things that can happen is a cure for HIV disease and others but that is NOT ever gonna happen either because they makin by \"FAR\" too much \"money\" off maintenance HIV drugs to cure it and cut off the MONEY highway. I think heterosexual people around where I live need to come out of denial and face the truth about just who in the human population carries the majority of HIV infections and it is not gay people here where I am. Say if they were to board up and stop all gay cruising everywhere, what and who will they blame for the continuing rise in AIDS after that? One thing for sure is that nature will always find a way no matter what and gay cruising is not about to evaporate no time soon.