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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Again, America gets it right, Europe gets it wrong
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Old 20th August 2005, 06:28 PM
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 3
Poor misguided doc moron

If the republicans the doc so loves get their way, health care will be decoupled from employment. It's part of their "ownership society". This is how it will work: We'll all have to carry expensive catastrophic care and all other charges- doctor visits, medications, etc.- will have to be paid out of pocket. Bascially it'll pit doctors against patients overwhelmed with $160 office visits. Good luck collecting, doc.

Oh, and as the other poster said, the myth of american health care besieged by Canadians is crap. Canada rations on the ability to wait, we ration on the ability to pay. The difference? The Canadian eventually gets taken care of. The only people coming here for medical care are the wealthy Canadians pissed that their government won't give them that tummy tuck or facelift TOMORROW.

Our health care system rates 37th in the world after all those countries that have socialized it. For the top 10% it is the BEST while the middle faces reductions in access and quality. The bottom in this country gets health care equivalent to sub-Saharan Africa. Pretty picture? Even Vietnam has just announced universal health care for everyone under 12. As rich as this pisspoor country is, we've been outdone by VIETNAM. A tip of the hat to the new conservatism and its inherent selfishness and greed for keeping us behind.

As for who runs the country: We're still living under the system put in place by LIBERALS when they ruled for almost a CENTURY. The best thing would be for the conservatives to actually make some headway witht their stalled agenda. They'll be gone very quickly if that happens.

The Medicaid thing? 70% of the money goes to nursing home care to take care of the well-heeled who hide their assets, plead poverty and then let Medicaid pick up the tab. It preserves their heirs inheritance and cheats the rest of us. The only people I know participating in such scams are all REPUBLICANS. Funny thing, huh?

Keep snipping off that healthy tissue. Gotta make another payment on the Range Rover.......
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