I know that I'm preaching to the choir, but ... I agree wholeheartedly about guys just not using common sense.
There is a park across the street from my office, and I'll admit that I have hooked up more than a few times there ... but I also like to go there with a book and eat my lunch when the weather is nice. But can I do that? No. Because guys constantly drive by, slow down, give me that deer-in-the-headlights look, and will even come over to my table and "talk". Do they assume that I am blind and that the book is just a decoy? If I don't respond, I'm not interested.
If a guy doesn't respond, DON'T move your car closer to him, DON'T follow his car into the next parking lot when he ignores you, DON'T walk 'round and 'round his car or table while he reads the paper or whatever.
Even if I thought you were hot, or if I hooked up wth you before, maybe I just want to eat my lunch. Maybe I have a boyfriend now. Maybe I'm not feeling good. Maybe I just came. But I tell you what, you sure look stupid/desperate/annoying when you keep on trying.
I walked into a bathroom once to do my legitimate business and the guy in the stall next to me immediately started tapping his foot (I did not respond). Then he wrote a note and held it under the stall (I didn't take it). Then he STUCK HIS FOOT UNDER MY STALL and started tapping. Then he got up, went out, and knocked on the fucking door.
Jesus, I've wanted to call the cops myself.