Having lived in Asia for a LONG time and observed saunas in most Southeast and EAst Asian major cities, I can only say that Ugly, Fat, Old (UFOs) are more than welcome by the locals. It's often believed to be racist stereotyping that Asians prefer old white daddies. But statistically, in my view, it IS true. It's not a coincidence that Asian gay bars where Caucasians gather feature predominently old and horizontally challenged clientele from Euro, US or Aus. I've seen genuinely goregeous Asians with guys who easily could be their fathers and who didn't look like gracefully ageing male movie stars.
So, when in Asia, don't be ashamed to go out to all the places you carefully avoid in your home country. All those physical features that make you self-conscious at home, are seen as advantages in Asia. And don't be concerned about being turned into sugar daddy: in HK, Singapore and Taiwan, gorgeous Asians will just love you for being fat and old, not for having money to burn.
GWM, 34 175 68 30w 40c muscled smooth blond topvers into muscled Asians