You can take a train (from 2pm and arrives at Butterworth over on the mainland at about 10pm) or you could take a bus (most leave at midnight and arrive in Penang in the early hours of the morning, a few will take you right up to KOMTAR tower on the island but the rest stop in Butterworth).
You could also try to book an AirAsia flight from their counter at the airport or over the Internet before you fly off.
I dont think you'll have any trouble with that unless you happen to be arriving around the October 31st to November 5th festive period, then your guess is as good as mine.
Check out the other threads here as the website address is given along with other information on getting to and from Penang.
Sorry I didn't read your itinerary before replying. Sunday is a good day to travel to Penangas the KL-Penang traffic is heavier from Friday onwards. Sundays, most KL-ites return to the city so going the other way should be easier. I haven't checked the calendar yet but if it's anywhere around Thaipusam (Indian festival of penitents) then you might have some difficulty.
Urepentantly irrascible old fart!