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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Mr BiCurious
Thread: Mr BiCurious
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Old 27th October 2005, 01:03 PM
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 65
He Asked For It

Thank you mate for those who like my story. Sorry that I don't really have much happening because of some troubles with J.

After what happened at B's hotel room, I knew for sure that J is a nut case. Worse, he's seemed to be stalking me around the gay grounds.

To avoid running into him everytime everywhere, I stopped going to the gay grounds for more than a month. Just my bad luck, MK, BC or Pat were always busy. After one month of non-action, I was ready to explode. I expected J would have given up by then and stop hunting around for me. I washed up down there and pocketed a bunch of condoms with my lub and went cruising.

I was wrong. Within 15 minutes, he appeared walking slowly pass me and smiling like a dingo stalking his sheep. I was out of there immediately and totally frustrated.

Okay mate, I'll wait another month then. By that time I felt like I was about to explode. J was nowhere to be seen. I had to act quickly before he came around. The weather was chilly and there's fewer men around. But I was so horny I don't really care. I know where men would gather when there's no crowd. There's this guy I could bend over for.

Wasting no time, I leaned against a tree and smiled as he walked by. Bingo, he smiled and stopped. He carressed my chest, I carressed his bugling pants. I guided his hand to my ass. No time to waste here matey, I'm looking for a good fuck. If he's not a top, better we move on cause I'm in no mood to chat.

"Ah mate, you do seem to be in a hurry for a good fuck. You are in luck mate, I like that ass of yours."

As I unzip my fly, he pulled down my pants. Oops I forgot the condoms and the lub. I bend down to pick up my pants for the condoms. Before I knew it, he was at my hole and pushing to get in raw. That's when I realised my hole was unused for months and very tight and it's gotta hurt.

"Easy mate. My ass is yours to take. Take it slow cause I've not been fucked for months." I handed him condom and lub. The pain made me slow down my urge for sex.

"Yeah right, sorry then mate. You bend over so eager and quick, I thought you like it rough." He fingered my ass and realised I was really tight.

"Please lub my bum well big boy. I'll do whatever you want me to mate."

Arrgg, the lub was cold as ice as he fingered me. He pushed me to bend lower. He flipped my shirt up my back and I felt the cold on my skin. I cursed myself for not getting a stiff drink to warm up before getting here.

His hand on my back was so warm. Slowly his hand warmed up my hole as he fingered.

"Your bum's getting cold mate. Allow me to warm it up for you." He carressed my butts and slapped it to make the blood flow. The smacking sound seemed loud on this quiet night.

Before I knew it his cock was pushing hard at my hole. With one hard push it was in me. I gasped loudly from the sharp pain. I know the pain will tingle then slowly turn to orgasmic feeling.

"Sorry mate, my cock's getting cold too. I need your warm hole."

"Ahhh, it's alright mate. Just give me a moment to get used to it and you can take me anyway you like."

Then I saw him again. J standing there like a ghost.

Before I could react, J said,"don't mind me mate, I am his friend."

I looked back and the man asked me, " is he really your friend?"

What am I supposed to say? I'm half bend over holding onto a tree trunk and the man's cock was impaled into me. I am in no position to chase off J.

"No he's not mate. Please ask him to leave," I didn't like J around. He'll only spoil things everytime.

Before I finished my words, I felt some papers on my back.

"This is yours mate if you let me join in the fun." J was offerring money to the man.

"Sure mate, be our guest." I can hardly believe my ears. He took the money quickly without even bothering to ask me. I was too surprise to react.

J's hand went for my butts and tried to squeezed into my hole with his cock. His other hand grabbed my neck.

The man withdrew his cock. "You want to go first mate, I warmed his bums for you."

Once he withdrew and his hands let go of my shoulders, the cold air on my butts woke my inaction. I struggled to stand up while J tried to hold me down. The man didn't know our history and stood there. J asked him to help. The man tried to grab my shoulders but too late.

I stood back, turned and faced them with my arms up in my boxing stance.

"Fuck you all mate. Have some respect. I'll fucking kill you if you come near me."

The man looked at J for what to do. J signalled for him to wait. When I bend a little to pull up my pants, J jumped at me. The man joined in. I fell back on my back with my legs tied up by my pants.

They flipped me over on my tummy and the man sat on me and pressed me down twisting my arms behind me.

In all that confusion, I shouted, "stop!! This is ridiculous mate. You guys sure you really want to rape me like this? If I break free, I'm going to fight back. You better stop before somebody gets hurt."

The man must have realised that he's doing a stupid thing in a moment of confusion because suddenly he got up, pulled up his pants and ran off.

I pushed J off me easily just as he was trying to penetrate me raw. He fell back on his bum.

I pulled up my pants and stood over him.

"You want to fight me mate?" I shaked my fist at him. "Come on, lets settle this man to man." I let him get up.

Instead of putting on his pants, he took off his shirt as well. Then he pointed his stiff cock at me.

"No mate, I love you too much to hurt you. Why must you always reject me? Am I not good enough for you mate? I watch you give up your ass to so many men as though you are teasing me. You're the biggest slut I've ever seen when I see you get fucked like a bitch. Yet you want to tell me I am not good enough!!!" he was more furious than I imagined.

"Yeah, you fucking pervert. I'm not into you ever. I'm going to fucking bash your face in if you try to stalk me again!!" I was angrier.

"Why? Why? Then why did you offer the other day and just walked off like that mate? You're a cunt tease! You insulted me!! I tried to be nice about it. Yet you took B away from me. I spend days of effort to hook B and you spoilt it all. You fucking whore. At least let me fuck the man who fucked you. Why did you have to get fucked by B at the sauna in front of me? You do this again and again. What am I supposed to think?"

Suddenly I wondered why there's so much coincidence happening. Is that my fault? I don't know.

"I like B and I don't like you. It's that simple mate. B is a top why do you try to fuck him? You're always a pervert."

"You should hear how B tell me about your hot hole when he fucked you all night and you screamed like a bitch. You looked like a top with all that beef and mean look. Yet look at you when you get fucked. You enjoyed getting fucked like a dingo just found a BBQ steak. B's g-spot says he's can be a bottom too."

"Aww shut the fuck up. You crazy pervert. Come on fight me like a man. I'll let you have the first punch and I won't duck."

"No no, I'll rather fuck you like a man and make you my woman," he swinged his stiff cock at me as he jerked off.

Before I knew it, I swung a right hook straight at his face and send him flying.

He screamed in pain. When he turned on the ground to face me, I saw blood all over his face. Shit, I forgot my strength.
There's only one thing to do, I walked off briskly before he reacted from this.

Ever since that day, I've stopped going to the gay places. I'm not too worried J would sue me. I've got into this sort of troubles before. A man gotta face up to what he had done. He asked for it and he's as much wrong as I was. I was waiting for the police to come for me but so far after 3 months, nothing happened.

I don't know what to do now. I am fucking horny out of my mind. Last month during my annual medical, I fucking shot a big load when the doc gave a prostate exam. He's a 50 odd year old man for christsake. I could almost die of embarrassment.

He was surprised as hell as I was when I saw his face. Still he consoled me by saying these things happened. Then he asked me the most embarrasing questions that he said will be off my medical records but in this times of Aids and venereal diseases, he's obliged to advise me.

My prostate has been getting slightly bigger but medically still normal for most men. I need not be embarrassed because the prostate is where a man holds his seminal fluid? and his examination triggered the discharge.

But from the way my anal muscles gripped his fingers and spasm, he sensed that I was anally active sexually. Wow, I thought thanks doc for making getting fucked sounded so innocent and less embarrassing when he said it in such strange words I had to memorise what he said.

From the records, he said since I was married with kids, then I should practise safe sex. He handed me 2 pamphlets on Aids and safe sex. Then he asked me if there's any marital problems that he may help?

Have I been using condoms, oh and he means do the men use condoms for sex? I said always. Do I need advice on keeping things clean down there? Again he handed me a brochure on a brand of douche. Frankly, I've never used any douche, only a slim shower hose and water.

I noticed at the back, the brochure had big letters that said douching before sex is not recommended. That's totally strange, he's saying to douche for sex and the brochure said otherwise. I pointed the letters to him.

He smiled and told me to read further at home. It was saying that douching washed away good bacteria and protective mucous. It is not recommended to douche and immediately have sex, let the mucous and bacteria built up first.

I've always wondered about those lub that also have germicide. Would it be good to use for sex? He said no as the germicide will irritate the anal canal, it can cause infections. If I feel I want to the clinic can offer the full exam for me down there but it will not be covered by my company's health insurance.

I said no. I thought of not asking but since it happened twice before, I told him that I do get red swelling down there from infections. Is there any precautions ? He said he needed to do a irritation test on my skin there for sure. But since I recover without much problems it's probably just hygiene related.

After getting over that embarrassing part, I was brave enough to ask the question that's always worries me. Doc, will I get loose down there, is there any way to keep it tight?

Suddenly he looked surprised and thought about my question. He said he had to examine my anal muscles before he'll answer me. Again he put on the glove and I open the gown and assumed the knee up on bed position. He pressed my anal muscles and probed down there.

He apologised that he's not the expert in this field but he could recommended me a specialist. However, when I asked that question he was wondering that I was too anally active for sex because most men will not notice anything if they have ordinary anal sex. Yes my anal sphincter was getting softer and dilating a little. Since I knew that already, he was afraid I'll be offended if he said the obvious thing was to be careful of of the frequency of penetrative sex, the roughness of sex and the size of the men's organs.

All men will get dilated down there with age. But seeing my beefy physique, I must be lifting weights too. All that straining will tend to be pushing out my sphincter muscles. Anyway, he'll send me a brochure on excercising my anal muscles to tighten it. No those vaginal tightening creams don't work for anal muscles and they are unproven anyway.

Wow I can't believe I asked all that. Probably because this was my 3rd such medical so I was more relaxed with him.

He noticed a big drop of my sperm on the bed had already turned liquid and he looked closely. Well, it looked a little yellowish. Not a good sign. He asked me if that was usual for me? I said I jo sometimes but had not had anal sex for quite a while. Oh, that explained it then. It's not healthy to keep it all in. I should release regularly to keep my system clean. I thought I wished I would but jo was so boring I'll rather get drunk instead.

Maybe I was thinking too much but then he said I was sexually healthy and should enjoy sex as much as I need unlike old folks like him. I was wondering why he said that when I saw him smiling at my stiff cock poking out my gown. I had hardened again from all those questions and he seemed to envy my virility.

We fell silent for a few moments. Inside my head I was secretly wondering it would be good for a second prostate massage but what excuse can I find. Worse I was wondering if he's quietly thinking the same as me too. I'm sure he's straight from his family photo. But if he's sort of impotent then sexual envy would make him curious?

I admit that my dirty mind wandered even further. If he's impotent then he would be curious about taking penetrative sex himself. Seeing a beefy and virile male like me enjoying penetrative sex must make it seem so acceptable. Wait a minute, he said he's no expert in this field yet he had all the materials and explanations all readily there.

I wonder he's not just thinking of giving me a prostate massage but actually imaging how I looked like while I was getting fucked. Wow, my horny mind was getting too imaginative. He suddenly realized I was looking at him for looking at my cock. He hurriedly looked to filling in the thick forms.

I thanked him when I left.
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