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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - 39 UNDERGROUND = The BEST sauna on Tuesdays
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Old 1st December 2005, 02:51 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 551
Talking Better than BEST

It was soooooo great last Tuesday .

Mr Landlord didn't turn up for 2 Tuesdays , and guess what ?
Even Mr Auntie didn't come last Tuesday .
So , It was like a hEAVEN in the roof top lookout .
Many youg guys ( handsome , sexy ,cute , muscle macccho , and etc )
They opened their legs WIDE and WANK WANK WANK !
Mas masterbation fest !

The clientele's standard was so high that day .
Couldn't believe there were so many young good looking guys in one place ( and completely naked )
And a sizable number of muscle maccho guys ( I had some too !

Now I have noticed some Tuesday regular farang customers too .
( YES ! That's you , dear )

I heard it was busy and hot with many young guys in BAAN THAI sauna last Tuesday as well . ( no special event day , though )

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