Shower Head Douche Attachment
I am going to use one of those shower head attachments for the first time at a buddies to douche before getting fucked. I have no idea how to use it and he won't be home. I need some advice. How far do you put the end into your asshole? Do you lubricate the end before inserting? How much water pressure do you use? What temperature should the water be? Once you get an assfull of water, are you supposed to try and keep it in for awhile like an enema our just let it run in and out of your ass? Should the tip be sterilized between uses (especially other peoples) and if so, what do you use to sterilize it to prevent STD's or bacterialogical problems. Can I harm my insides by inserting it too far or using too much water pressure. I would appreciate answers or anything else you think I should know.