I think that if you use common sense you'll be fine ... (common sense sez: nothing that hurts. No HOT water, not too much pressure, etc.) I put it in all the way and I direct the stream at various angles. I expel the water immediately, and do it several times, and then I will fill up and hold it, take my shower while holding it, and expel it. Then I fill/expel a couple of times. Some may consider this to be overkill, but it works for me and has worked for years.
I start the water running before I insert it so that there are no surprises, and also when you do that you don't need lube.
I don't share it, so sanitizing between users isn't an issue. Do what makes you comfortable.
A word to the wise ... although you think that you got all the water out, don't fart for a while. You might have a little surprise that you hadn't planned on. Take that into consideration and leave a little time between cleansing and spreading your legs, too. You'll get to know your body and know just how much, how far, how hot, how often, etc.
P.S. Enjoy the ride!
P.P.S. WarrorOne, in addition to douching as above, I always keep wet-wipes in the bathroom and in the car. Love 'em! Make sure they're flushable if you're on septic or have an old plumbing system (not you personally, your bathroom).