Wtoiom Quotes ,
X'mas is coming, which sauna will you go
I am NOT going to any saunas for X'Mas .
I think it's sooooooo sad

to spend X'mas in a cruising sauna even with your BF together ( just a my opinion )
I myself plan to go to nice restaurant with my 18yo BF on the both X'mas Eve & X'mas day .
In my country . on X'mas Eve , if you are seen alone ( without your lover ) , that would be considered " shameful " .
( Even some young people commit suicide for this reason )
So , you can see many Japanese gay tourists in BKK go go bars on X'mas Eve , because they can find AN INSTANT lover to spend X'mas together easily ( We call them " X'mas refugees " )
And maybe you can tell WHY they don't have a BF to spend X'mas with .
If you really want to spend X'Mas in a gay sauna ,
K PLACE sauna ( Pahoyalthin Road ) will have X'mas party till 6AM on X'mas day .
They charge spacial entrance fee , and BOOKING essential .