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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Same Time, Next Year
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Old 20th January 2006, 04:01 PM
ScruffyCub's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 400

Fuck. Woof. And wow!

No luck finding my nameless buddy the next night, but ran into him the night after that.

As I drove by the bookstore I was disappointed to see only one car in the lot -- and it wasn't my bud's. So I meandered around Niagara Falls for a while, which isn't unpleasant, though it would have been more fun in warmer weather. When I cruised by the bookstore about an hour later, I noted the same single car in the lot, but by this time my buddy's car was there, too. That's all the incentive I needed to head on inside.

I already had a huge, heavy pocketful of unused tokens saved up from previous visits; these combined with the five bucks worth I had to purchase to gain entrance made for one bulging jacket pocket -- and plenty of video time to spend hanging out with my guy.

The other dude in the store was a regular patron. Had never seen my big bud show any interest in him, so I figured he wouldn't have time to do his disappearing act with someone else before I could get his attention. I wanted to think he'd pick ME no matter who else was there, but I know that's not realistic based on previous experience.

He usually shuttles back and forth between the arcade and the theater so I didn't see him in the back when I went in. He showed up about two minutes later, though. We looked at each other directly this time. Yet somehow there were two other dudes in addition to the regular patron in there, too. No idea where they came from as there were no other cars in the lot. Either they walked in the cold or had parked surreptitiously somewhere else to hide their vehicles. Regardless: damn competition!

Didn't matter, though. My buddy made his quick roundabout tour of the place, then headed to the bathroom. I went into my "usual" booth. A moment later someone was on the other side. I figured it was him and I cleared the Buddy Window glass only to find someone else instead. Rats! The dude on the other side is a decent fellow; have seen him before. He's got a nice dick but he wears a ton of cologne and he only wants to stand together and jerk off. I wasn't about to trade a chance with my pal for a jerk off session clouded by cologne, so I let my token expire, didn't drop any more, and let the guy leave on his own.

Seconds later, my buddy enters the booth vacated by the other guy. I was paying attention by this point and could easily make out his extra-large shadow through the foggy Buddy Window.

We did our usual thing, watching each other for the space of three or four tokens worth of time. He's too tall for me to see his entire face, but I can tell when he's staring at my hard dick. I love looking at his thick prick myself. I probably have an inch on him in size, give or take, but if you think the head of my dick is pretty fat, his is even bigger. And I've got a thing for short, fat dicks, which works out nicely.

I nodded for him to come over, but didn't really need to -- I could pretty much tell he was into it. I heard him zip up as his video cut off. Unlocked my door as I watched his shadow move around the front of my booth. The cologne-dude who had been watching me previously was standing outside my door so I held it closed, not wanting to give him the wrong idea. When my buddy arrived, I opened it up and he shifted his massive frame inside the cramped quarters.

My dick was hanging out and three-quarters hard, having softened up a tiny bit while waiting on him to get his ass over there to my booth. He pulled out his cock and was still hard as ever. I grabbed his dick and squeezed it a bit while dumping a fistful of tokens into the coin slot. He added a few of his own as well. Then he switched the video from my gay porn to a straight video, which he always does. He also turned the volume up a notch, which he always does, too. I have no problem with this -- neither of us bother looking at the screen. And though pussy makes my dick soft in seconds, having this dude around keeps me hard and negates any deleterious effects of snatch! I was thankful that the video soundtrack was just music -- can't stand listening to porno bitches screaming.

My buddy reached out his giant hand and stroked my dick. I love seeing his thick fingers take hold of my cock. He's got well-groomed nails and meaty palms, very hot. I had a brand new, just-opened bottle of Jungle Juice with me, which I uncapped and handed to him. He had no clue it was new and he hit it pretty damn hard. He was breathing very heavy by the time he passed it back to me and he immediately dropped to his knees to get his mouth around my dick. His chest was heaving as he took me inside.

Holy fuck. He went right to work. Though he is sometimes a bit shy and seems a touch nervous, once he gets his mouth on my dick he loses all inhibition, that's for sure. I can tell he loves it. It may certainly be that he sucks everyone as well as he sucks me; it might be that he's into my dick more than he's into other dicks. I have no idea. I do know that I am into some men and some dicks far more than others. I know that I can suck a guy off and not be totally into it, and I know that if a dude is exactly my type I can let loose and give him my best. It sure seemed to me that this guy was giving me his best stuff. If he's holding anything back, I sure can't wait to find out how much better he can get!

But I can't imagine much better than this, honestly. Within seconds I knew that this time was going to be the best of all so far, and I also knew that someone was going to get bumped from my "Top Five Blowjobs Of All Time" list to make room for Big Buddy.

There is simple dicksucking, wherein a random dude does whatever he can to get me to cum quickly, putting forth a nice effort and allowing me to leave happy and satisfied -- and then there are the rare dudes who know how to make love to my dick, using their skill to bring pleasure for the sake of making another man feel good, not so much just to get him off in a hurry. Most of you know the difference, I'm sure. And this dude was making serious love to my dick.

My two main complaints about bad blowjobs concern pressure and speed: too much, too little, too fast, too slow. Sounds generic, but you cocksuckers out there know what works and what's basically just lip service to a dick. I still don't know and haven't figured out how this dude understands what my dick wants and needs. I certainly make some noises, but I'm not seriously vocal in public places. My dick is responsive, but at the same time he keeps me pretty much as hard as I can get most of the time I'm in his sweet mouth. Like I said, maybe he sucks all dicks the same and I just happen to love his style. I am thinking it's half and half, though: his own style works for me and he plays up on that, knowing I'm into it turns him on.

His tongue was doing some serious acrobatics, his pressure was absolutely perfect, keeping me right on edge but making it just soft enough so that my dick strained and got harder, wanting more, but didn't get so stiff that I had to cum immediately. His stroked perfectly timed, his depth right on the money. He frequently let my dick out of his mouth and slid it across his hanging tongue so I could see my head fat and thick, covered in shining strands of his spit. He grabbed my balls and shoved them into his mouth, he traced the hard ridge of my head with his tongue so I could watch, he shook his head back and forth while my dick was shoved deep into this throat.

If I wanted to, I could cum from this guy's mouth in ten seconds. Maybe one in fifty dudes can do this to me; pretty tough to get me off fast. But he doesn't rush me and backs off a little if I indicate to him that I'm close. And of course, I don't want to cum too fast anyway, and I want to get his own sweet, fat cock in my mouth, too. Whenever it was that the tokens expired, I let him stand up and I plugged another handful into the machine, took a big hit of poppers myself and slapped the bottle into his massive, waiting hand.

As I've said numerous times, a guy has to be "just right" for me to really get into blowing him. I'm sure not ashamed of enjoying a hot cock, but I'm just not the type of guy who wants to suck ANY dick out there. I do admire and appreciate all you great cocksuckers who are dedicated to the art of it and who work tirelessly to please ME, though! More power to ya!

But this dude... oh, yeah, man. No fucking problem. I could blow him all fucking night. Especially knowing that he'd keep swapping places with me because he enjoys my dick just as much as I love his.

Previously, he has not been extremely expressive when being sucked off, though he does make it clear he enjoys it. But this time, he was kicked back and moaning and breathing hard and is dick was stiff as steel in my mouth. His cock tastes just right, too: very manly and clean and with a hint of his pent-up sperm. I am not the world's best cocksucker, though I can do a great job if I want to. If I had this guy in my home, I would blow his mind. In the bookstore, though, I think maybe I hold back a little bit. I have to work on that, but this is not to say I didn't give him a run for his token-money!

At one point the thickness of his huge cockhead made me gag just a little. He's not very long but if I take him deep the head of his dick blocks me from swallowing any spit. So I choked for a second and he backed away, nervous. Then he laughed. Seriously laughed. "Oh, my God. Startled the fuck out of me." He laughed some more. I had to laugh, too. I saw him laugh one other time, last year -- for some odd reason, the video on the screen changed to an episode of "Roseanne." No shit. He found this hysterical and frankly, so did I. It was tough to recover from that last year -- I mean... Roseanne! No clue how that happened, but he changed the channel quickly. Anyway, he's got a seriously handsome smile and his blue eyes sparkle when he laughs. Nice. Most of the time when I see him his face has this shy, kind of scolded puppy-dog look to it, which also gets me hot. But it was nice to catch a glimpse of him smiling, too.

We traded places again and he told me he wanted to sit on the tiny chair so his knees didn't give out on him. Fine with me. The chair is a kindergarten-type thing, really low to the ground, but with his huge height it puts him at a good angle to suck me off, though I need to lean a bit into the corner and point my dick at his mouth a little bit to reach better.

He was making happy-noises as he slurped my cock, slobbering all over me and seriously admiring my gleaming dick every time he let it come out of his mouth. I was ready to blow at least a couple dozen times but managed to hold it off a little longer -- I felt he deserved more cocksucking for himself. At one point he hit the Buddy Button to see who was on the other side -- I normally wouldn't want to be watched, but with him... eh, fuck it. I just don't care. I wouldn't even glance at another dude with him around anyway. But it was a horrid old man that stalks everyone he can and then talks about it in a loud voice later on -- we all know him and can't stand him. So my buddy turned the window off and went back to work on me.

I momentarily tried to fuck his mouth, but the angle wasn't right and there was really no need -- he seemed to really WANT to show me his skill and I didn't want to let him think for a minute that I wasn't happy with what he was doing. No big deal. I was dying to reach down and rub his chest, even through his shirt, but last year he had moved away from that so I figured he wasn't into much more contact other than dick and mouth. I did throw my arm across his as he leaned against the back wall of the booth to steady himself while worshipping my dick, though. I'm going to have to try to touch his head, at the very least. He's got some handsome hair -- all dark black and buzzed at the sides but thick and swirled on top. I LOVE looking at his head as he's sucking me off.

I pulled my dick out of his mouth when it became clear I'd never be able to hold out much longer, then motioned to him that it was his turn again. I attempted to suck his dick while he was sitting down, but the chair was too low and he said to wait while he stood up. No problem. Also no problem rubbing his legs, thighs and ass -- he seems to like that. Made sure I gave his balls some attention, too.

My cache of tokens was running low at this point, but I still had enough to keep us going for quite a while. I wouldn't care if the movie ended entirely, but he seems to like the music as a background noise buffer.

He went back to work for a third time on my dick. By this time I knew I wouldn't have much stamina left to hold out for very long, but that was OK. This guy sure knows how to take care of my dick. Last time around, I jerked off while he stroked his own dick a little bit as I slobbered around his giant head, then I sucked the cum out of him, which he certainly enjoyed. I am cool with a dude cumming ON me, but he's got to be a really special guy for me to want to taste his load; this guy rates HIGH. I figured this time he could eat MY cum, which I also know he loves because he did it many times last year and requested it of me a few times back then.

So it was time for me just let it fly. His previous experience with my dick has taught him exactly where to hit me with his tongue to get me off. This big fucking bull-man slowly and gentle took charge of my rock-hard dick, stroking me deep and even with just the perfect pressure, his tongue moving expertly directly under my head. I leaned back against the wall and told him he was going to make me cum. My legs were starting to shake. He used one hand to hold my balls and a single finger of the other hand to stroke along my dick in time with his mouth. He never hesitated and I blew a huge load into his expert, eager mouth, slamming back more into the wall and making the group of booths shake. He kept sucking me until he got every single drop out of me, then he slowed it down and took a moment to appreciate my dick a little more.

This time, he looked up at me for a moment, something he has never done before, still holding my cum in his mouth. His gorgeous blue eyes were sparkling. He blinked. He didn't say anything, full mouth and all, but for the sake of my own fantasy I imagined that his look was asking me if he had done a good job, if I had enjoyed it. Maybe this WAS what his look was saying -- it seemed that way. But whatever it was meant to convey, it was hot as hell to have him look up at me while his mouth was stuffed full of my warm, melting sperm.

He leaned against the side of the wall of the booth and spit, which he always does, and I don't mind at all, especially not after THAT performance. And I'll tell you -- the huge puddle of his saliva mixed with my cum still looked hot as hell on that filthy floor.

I told him it was great, I told him thanks, I told him to stand up so I could finish him off, too.

But, alas... you know how it goes. Once you blow your own load, it is a little harder to get someone else off, try as you might. Yet I think I still did a good job for him and I sucked him for another five minutes. Then he backed off and said that the poppers were getting to him and that he was "all fucked up." I said it was cool; I know that shit can happen when you do too much poppers. He said: "I'm gonna go sit in the theater for a while and chill out."

I thanked him again and told him it was hot as hell and that he was welcome to get with me any time.

Normally I would have left, but I decided to stick around. Usually I take off and find my dick getting hard again in twenty minutes, so I figured I'd see if he was up for a repeat if I could handle that. I also had a nice "yohimbe-rection" going on and didn't want to waste it!

So I took a leak in the bathroom, had a couple smokes, and hung around for a bit. By this time more guys had arrived and several of them had undoubtedly been listening in to us. When they saw me standing there they cruised me hard, but I wanted to commit to no one until I found out if my bud wanted me to finish him off and/or get another go at my dick.

He came back to cruise the arcade a few minutes later. He made a quick circuit and vanished -- again! Damn, this guy is FAST at hooking up. He does it better than I do, that's for sure! I had no idea WHO he connected with, but everyone gravitated toward a certain booth and I could tell he was in there from the sound of his moans.

And this was hot as hell, yet at the same time it seriously sucked because I wanted it to be ME. Oh, well. Been down this road before. The dude sure loves to hook up! Then again, so do I. Peas in pod, man. But damn, it sure works out nicely when we hook up together! At least for ME it does. I'm guessing he's into it as well since we've blown our cum at least ten times over the last year. I'd like to add to that number before I have to head back to Florida, too.

So he got himself off with the mystery dude in about ten minutes, then walked out rather quickly, not looking at anyone, made a bee-line for the exit.

Still, I was ready for more at this point. I noticed one dude in the store that I had not seen before, and he was the only dude in the place that had not been cruising around while my buddy was getting off -- so I assumed THIS was the guy he'd been with.

I went into a booth and the new dude immediately got into the adjacent booth. Yet when I watched him for a few minutes, I wasn't turned on. His dick wasn't my style and he was a little too geeky for my taste. So I just left the booth and hung around a while longer.

No other dudes were of much interest to me -- same old crowd. I dig the cologne guy's dick, but wasn't up for a jerkoff staring contest.

I went into a booth, tossed away eight or nine tokens, watched a film and jerked off, thinking of the hot scene I'd just shared with my buddy. I NEVER do this, never just jerk off in a bookstore. But after having such an intense time -- what the hell, right? My buddy is worth the sperm-expense of a good jerkoff fantasy.

It appeared that I had plenty of cum ready to go -- there was an impressive second puddle on the floor after I blew Load Number Two. I'd have rather fed it to my friend, but... can't have everything!

I generally don't see him around on Friday and Saturday nights, and I have a "date" of sorts with someone else for Saturday anyway. But he DOES start showing up late on Sunday and early in the week.

I wonder what the next few days will bring?
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