Steam was really very boring!!! I really miss SEMC so much as they were KING at this Game !!! Didn't have to worry about having fun in that place - It was Killa @
The old Steam had a better layout than the new place. Can we ask for more open areas.......Why must every door have a lock.
And if there is a hole in the door something is stuffed in the hole.
SEMC had so much to offer. Enough of memory lane I know.....Guess I should not compare Steam to them but hey, I was charged $25 to get in so I expected to be pleased!!!
A sex club needs more open areas, you know exibionist style can we say. Doesn't matter wanted to see what Steam had to offer.
Won't be paying that entry fee for a good long time !
They need more interesting areas for play.
Even the stirrups gated area had a lock, Geez Man :-(((
My money was wasted I'm afraid..........Just my opinion............