I finally saw pics of what the TBT looks like inside from pics from their web site. Appears that someone's grandmother decorated it. Was trying to give the club the benifit of the doubt in the previous posts, since many were boo-hooing about the costs, with other making up reasons for it to be bad.
I was refering to it as a "treasure" as places like TBT don't usually OPEN as new businesses thesedays and San Bernardino sure doesn't have much in the way of gay activities like LA or SD does. This was before I was the pictures of the inside of it.
I gave the auto theft satisticts as you had refered to TBT location
as "a fine line between that nieghborhood and the DMZ" .... I wanted to point out that auto thefts in San Diego were higher than San Bernardino. There was another posting on TBT that someone didn't think their VW convertible would be there when they came out of the club. I didn't run the murder rate, as I was thinking most were concerned about their cars parked while in the club. I totally believe that the murder rate in SB is much higher than SD.
From what I read on this message board, along with one on another, TBT no longer interests me as a possible place to stop when out in that area. I also have never seen a bathhouse decorated that way from the pictures on their site, not my cup-of-tea and from those pics has decided not to go to TBT.
I might go to the baths 4 or 5 times per year .... will stick to one of the 2 ROMAN HOLIDAY locations or my once a year visit to the 1350 CLUB. I, too, at these other places feel comfortable laying out in the summer's sun. I have heard TBT has no sundeck or outdoors area. And you have fun at your places in San Diego and maybe you can make back to your The Cross "where the sex was great and the place made it better". I tend to have good sex at LA baths too.