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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Sofitel
Thread: Sofitel
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Old 19th February 2006, 01:34 AM
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 49

Originally posted by Axiom2001
(...) The TARTAWAN has a great guest policy; (...)
Well Axiom, you must have had such great shags during your stay that you see only the bright side of things.

I would enrich your comment by adding : ““if you bring only gogo/money boys back to your room ”.

It is very different if you want to invite a friend (genuine friend, no sex) or a newfound sex friend (sex not for money) or anyone else not from the commercial sex scene.

We’ve had this conversation here before and Icon seemed to disagree if I remember right, but the ID check is done is such a way that it is OBVIOUSLY organised for the visit of prostitutes to the upper floors.

If this is your plan, then their policy is indeed super.

If this is not your plan, be ready to encounter some resistance or even see your guest feel insulted if he sees he is treated like a sex worker.

I had one guy visiting me, he was a pharmacist, and the second day when I said “why don’t you come upstairs”, he answered “rather not” and when we talked about it, he said he had felt very uncomfortable with the ID check procedure.
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