I wasted my gas going to Rivers Edge and Lumberjacks. Neither was worth it to me and the crowd I went with. Don't know of any other places that aren't online.

No places I find listed online are cruisy anymore, you got to find the ones unlisted. Like exit 14 in Sc. was if you like gloryholes. Sadly some queen or someone vandalized the toilet so bad the the store owners shut the outside toilet down. Those are the ones worth using your gas on. There is now a good place in NE Ga. where someone like advertised it in nearly a 100 and something toilets and porta-potties in know and it is cruisy as hell. So far it is still not anywhere listed on the net thank god!. They put a lot of effort in it but hey its sure paying off if you like the butcher married types. i can't say online where it is because if I do the cops will be attacking it before you know it. Also there is another 2 places in middle part of Ga. Hey nature will always find a way. Its all reverted once again back to the old days. I think the LGBT Community will be back to normal once we get some of those evil republicans OUT! Gosh they are just like having the shits for several years.