Thai guy
According to your 2 recent trips to KL, how did you travel from Lowcost Terminal to Downtown KL ?
2 trips ??? 
Only one , Dear .
Another one is comming in 6 weeks time .
And I travelled from
Lavender , SINGAPORE to Pudraya in the heart of KL by BUS .
It's quicker than flying direct from Singapore , if you consider the time you spend on the whole trip from CBD to CBD .
By SkyBus direct from lowcost airport to downtown
Afirmative . And it was correct when I visited the KL Sentral's bus terminal .
Apparently, there's no baggage storage area in the bus.
SAW some passengers putting their luggage to a baggage storage area when I visited the bus terminal .
Thai Guy
And, are Sentral and Bamboosia saunas still good for cruising on Friday and Saturday evening ? I will be there soon.....
I visited Bambusa on a weekday ( I really enjoyed the place ) , and Sentral on Sunday ( It was busy )
I really want to try
MANDI MANDA next time , so if you could visit this new place and tell us about , it would be very much appreciated .
Or anyone can tell us how to get there by public transport ?