Originally posted by HUNG8nSC
Since all our past cruising spots and venues have been virtually shut down,
There are more cruising places now than there ever was before, they just not all listed on the Internet anymore. People have gotten a bit smarter about just who & how they let know about these discreet places. I see the net's listed cruise sites really used as dwindling decoys rather than hot cruise sites now. Don't know a thing about groups. Wish I could help ya.
If you think gays, lesbians and bisexuals choose their sexual orientation, ask yourself when you chose yours. If you are heterosexual did you wake one morning and decide that you were going to fall in love with someone of the opposite sex? Did you decide that you would be attracted to the opposite sex? Did someone recruit you as a heterosexual? Gays, lesbians and bisexuals do not choose their orientation any more than do heterosexuals. Studies consistently demonstrate that the problems gays face are caused by the attitudes and behaviors of society at large, not by sexual orientation