Anybody else see the Dateline report the other night on counterfiet drugs? These are not the copy drugs made in India, but some backroom in China. Some of them contained boric acid (damages kidneys) and lead based paint (nerve/brain damage). The viagra was good enough to fool the Pfizer guy until he examined it side by side with the real thing. The packaging, imprinting, color, shape.....everything was perfect except the contents (no active ingrediant). So if you want to save a few bucks, go ahead and order from some unknown, fly-by-night operation from another country. But if you value your health, see your own doctor, get a script, and buy from a legitimate pharmacy. I pay about $8.00 a pill, split four ways. $2.00 a dose shouldn't be breaking anybody's budget. I keep reading that gay men have some of the highest disposable income in the country.