Well... when I was under 30 there probably was no craigs list, and many of the systems were bulletin boards with no pictures.. All I know in the 1980s was the gay bars, a couple books stores and the baths. I guess in a way I am lucky. I'm still alive and I have my health. If there had been this much technology to hook up when I was much younger and not as wise or knowledgeable I might have been seriously ill or dead by now.... I guess it all works out for the best!
I should have added is, with all the internet access available the ability to all these people whom are probably not interesting getting laid. Instead they have become engaged in these "armchair" fantasies and buying advertising which makes it seem as if there are less guys hooking up. Sure there has been a decline in hook-ups because of HIV and other real factors, but overall you probably would never see many of these people out in a public place like a bar or other gay social setting for a number of reasons, "I'm straight" is the catch all phrase! I truly believe that many of these armchair sex-atheletes lack the social skills and do not want to learn any or deal with being polite enough to tell someone they are not interested. It's much easier to snub someone from behind a keyboard, and sadly it's widely accepted. What is really odd to me, are these people that obsessed with the sex fantasty that they are gym bunnys and spend all this time looking good just to exchange pictures and a couple emails? Maybe it is just be but I run my own business and it does take up a lot of my time. Looking to get laid has turned into maybe a once a serious once a week thing even though I do find myself horny somewhere in the middle of the week.
Time and experience has hardened me I admit. I find it surprising these days when someone very attractive doesn't have their head in a cloud, and is only worried about hanging out with the 'pretty' people.