I am an Asian guy and I have never heard of a bath house that would ban its customers based on race.
Why don't you just accept that about half of the Asians in this country were born elsewhere and may not have accustomed to the American society yet.
What happened to your mother was an unfortunate event and I apologize on behalf of my Asian brothers and sisters. What happened to you at the bathhouse may be annoying to you but perhaps a ricequeen (gwm that likes Asians) might have approved of that manner.
There are already so many guys that do not like Asians and blatantly put "No Asians" on their profiles/ads. I think any gay Asian guy is VERY aware of the fact that we are seen as sissy, mysterious, obnoxious, queeny, "egg roll" dicks, slit eyes and we are trying very hard to break away from those stereotypes.
I don't think there is a need of you to join the Asian Hater Club.... we already know that white people don't like us that much.
Prejudice is everywhere but blatant discrimination is rude.