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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Why did everyone leave?
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Old 6th September 2006, 07:44 PM
GayWillow's Avatar
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Question Why did everyone leave?

So I am sitting in my vehicle in a public park/boat ramp parking lot with 6 more vehicles. All have someone in them all guys cruising. Suddenly a cop drives in and sounds a cyrine. Everyone cranks up and drives out immediently but me. So the cop just sits there a few minutes then he drives behind my vehicle and stops. Then he starts driving back and forth then drives off to the exit of this place. He sits at the stop exit for like 20 minutes. Cuts on his blue lights then sounds the cyrine again. I am still parked sitting in my vehicle and I never leave because I don't consider meeting another guy with my pants up a crime at a public place that my tax dollars keep up. Why did everyone leave but me??? Is there a law against sitting in a vehicle fully clothed in a public park/boat ramp area in Georgia??
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