Thanks for telling everyone of your experience, We are sorry you got caught, but that coud have been any of us. It just isn't Cincinnatti it is everywhere -it is getting close to election time so that usually means more park busts. they make good fodder for the newspapers and (gasp) Tv.
I agree meet up with a regular partner or two , meet them online here or go to a bathhouse etc. I was busted a number of years ago and it was not fun and it was very expensive,, Baths are a lot cheeper I find than getting busted. If your wife finds out it is better you caught in a bathhouse than a park bust. It is amazing how that arrest keeps coming up in job interviews etc 10 years later.
I also can attest to the fact the police reports are doctored a bit in my case it made for a stronger case on paper at least, I think the police know not many people are going to fight them and risk making a bigger deal out this than necessary. UGH! But still it has eroaded my trust in law enforcement .