Thanks Allboutme.
There was a little blond long haired guy who was a micro nazi and could be a jerk. But since I haven't been going to Naugy in a while it was a quite a while ago I saw him last.
The other blond long haired guy was tall (I wouldn't say broad shouldered) and he was a real jerk the one time I was there. But if that was what he was being paid to do, that explains the fervor he did it with. If he's gone then GOOD.
It's been a while since I was there, barring a visit in July, but you could tell the place was a little run down. Glad to hear it is being repaired and cleaned. I have had some HOT times there and would like it to stay that way.
I do agree that if you go there spend some $$$ and make them happy.
Sorry but I couldn't make it Wednesday night. Hope you had some fun

I plan on visiting either Thursday evening or sometime Sunday.
Oh and I know you don't work for them but I hope for all the good press you give them they give you some compensation (like keys to all the booths? a reserved big booth? lol)