Thanks very much for your kind words, Randy.
CFS has always been a community effort. I post often, but there's lots of guys here who provide great information. Seems like each of us, in fact, has an area of personal expertise that comes in quite handy. I've learned much from the members here, and hope that some folks have learned a few things from me, too.
I recently started weightlifting myself; this is week eight for me. Enjoying it very much. Still in a learning curve, though. Didn't try L-Arginine, but am taking other supplements. From what I've read, these are all safe and have no interactions with OTC or prescription meds: creatine, glutamine, proteins, etc. Should I consider adding anything new to my daily supplements, I will be sure to make careful study of the product before taking it.
Thanks for sharing your story -- and very glad to hear that you are OK.