Glad you had a "good time"
I used to hit the ROMAN HOLIDAY - Van Nuys maybe once every 12 to 18 months - usually if I had some appointment or obligation
in or near the valley.
My last 2 visits I didn't think anything was going to be happening for me .... then "poof"- somebody my type finally popped into the club. Crowd had been a variety of guys in the past but was quite the retirees my last 2 stops with me 20-30 years younger than the majority.
I know any cruising is "hit-or-miss" - my last 2 visits to Van Nuys were almost a "miss".
Glad you had a "good time". Anyone else have a recent report?
The club is at 14435 Victory Blvd - that's at Van Nuys Blvd - in Van Nuys. $22 for a private room - then lockers not available on weekends but had been discounted Tuesdays and Wednesdays.