I haven't seen the DOC here in a while and hope he is doing ok. Know where you're coming from dude. Just went through complete physical, but I'm taking meds (ritalin,lorazepam,tegretol,wellbutrin, citalopram). Can't get off for about 2 weeks and last time got off partner was directly stimulating prostate with finger.
Urologist has me on androgel (testosterone) and cialis. Can you milk prostate with dildo or anal vibrator? You may be "clogged".
Cum can get so thick it's hard to get out/off. Can't get off to movies, venus 2000, milking machine, vibrator or milk prostate (by myself) . If partner can't get off this weekend, will be going back to urologist or MD/possible cardiologist. When partner got me off last weekend, saw white spots like breathing sucks.
Electrocardiogram and Prostate Specific Antigen (?) test both showed good. Slight hernia on left side...no pain. Even has colonoscopy. It showed good.
Drink lots of water, eat lots of fruit and veggies and you may want to consider taking something like Robitussin DM to loosen cum/phlegm.
After googling for andrology, urology and ejaculation failure found among possible causes (other than meds) was blood flow.
Hope this helps. Please repost when problem solved. If an MD visits posts this weekend,would love your ideas.
It may be time to see your own personal doctor.