I've been out of town and didn't know about the raid on Hollywood, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Went in there this weekend (5/20) and the theatre section is "closed for remodeling". The staff was very close-mouthed about when it might reopen. As the previous poster noted, it's been pretty relaxed there for quite a while, but you can never expect that to continue indefinitely. I've seen women in there getting banged by half-a-dozen guys (including myself), and lots of other "good" stuff. But as always, beware. Which brings us back to the original poster ... where the hell can you go around here to suck some cock? If anybody knows, pass the word. I've tried the interstate rest areas, the little park off the interstate at Stateline (which would be a perfect spot), Tubbs Hill, etc, etc. Nothing. I'm flying out to San Francisco next week ... maybe there's a dick or two there waiting for me ...