For the last three sat. evenings I've been visitng 'SUPER A.'.
1.- (02 jun.), Was quite fun - joined by 2 boyz who shewed their assets very quickly - smoked them both to their satisfaction;
2.- Dead - a couple of other farangs with boyz - reportedly several other boyz absent ill; some plump & disinterested-looking boi dancing on stage;
3.- Last sat. another farang there also celebrating his b'day. in company of several boyz. I was joined by dancer 'Sao.' - a tall. lithe & I-San boi who prefers to dance facing the looking-glass for his own pleasure; limited English; said that he has a big c*ck, in fact of avg. size; wouldn't let me smoke him, saying that boss doesn't like that, nor would he play with mine for same reason; v. keen to cum home with me, saying that f*cking & being f*cked are good ways to supplement his work-outs, to exercise his body and to stay fit! Well - maybe another time?
Drinks still 100Bh. - that last visit my whisky & water tasted like diluted paint-stripper: ugh. :-(