I see a couple of mentions of drink prices at Jupiter 2002 being 250 baht. Unless there has been a very recent price hike, the prices quite recently and for some time have been 200 baht and 220 or maybe 230 on Fridays and Saturdays.
Now from my point of view, the place is not currently on a high with the current crop of boys and dancers.In the past I have been completely bowled over by the superb original shows with energetic erotic dancing by athletic guys - sort of pop burlesque. The place has a modern decor which is different from the inevitable black chrome and mirrors elsewhere. The sound system is the best I have heard in any go-go bar.
They have had some magnificent looking guys there and on occasion I heard that some were taking bookings three weeks ahead. he trouble with employing great lookers is that the customers pinch them and either support them in Thailand or take them to their home country.
THe place began to fade a bit and then a year ago, roughly, a new choreographer came along and revamped the show to be more disciplined, different, better use of the stage, it's 2nd floor balconies, plexiglass staircase and more erotic with lot of erections on show. That was superb and I rushed my friends there to see and marvel - which they did. It was on a par with the sadly departed, Icon or X-treme dancers at their very best.
Everything changes and I look forward to the next revival at this bar. There is something particularly exciting for me and many watching good bodies dancing.