I agree with WowPow that there is no need to disparage anyones sexual needs etc.
However it does add context when someone either praises or dislikes a particular bar,if we know what that person generally expects from the Boys he offs.
I too have had no luck at Jupiter . I have been there many times in the last few years and always enjoy the show and eye candy. But the 1/2 dozen times i succumbed and offed a boy were at best not memorable and at worst a complete disaster.
I always make it plain to the boy and mamasan I am a Top. Truth be told once I get in the room if the boy is affectionate and gives a good BJ, that will make for a successful encounter.
Of the 6 times 5 have been a disaster. That is the boy changing from affectionate etc in the bar to being unwilling to engage in anything sexual.
I have even had 2 boys tell me they didnt care if i gave them nothing, because they just wanted to get the off.
Although this has happened ocassionally at other bars, for the most part my offs have been pleasing etc.
Bottom line is where there is smoke there is usually fire. I will continue to go to the shows, because i find them well done in comparison to most. But I will never waste my time offing a boy from Jupiter again!!!1