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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - How's BPT Bookstores?
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Old 22nd September 2007, 11:58 PM
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 4
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I suppose if you only go the Bpt bookstores once a year, they'll see you as "new meat". And so long as you look like Ricky Martin, are no older than 25 and have washboard abs and more than 8 inches you will do well. Otherwise 40 Queens will just play peek-a-boo, view you for 5 seconds through the hole, slam the door and leave. Then they will just stand in the hallway for hours on end. Sometimes they will put their foot over the hole because you are not even worthy to look at them, much less touch them. If you are a c--ksucker, your only hope is that a straight man may wander in. They don't need beauty and "chemistry", they won't even look to see who's in the next booth; they'll just send it through and let you service them. Thank God for straight men.
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