-- If I'm sitting down in one of the Soi Twilight a go-go bars then generally I'll wait long enough to see the complete roster of ON-stage R&F. boyz and often I'll shoo away any who propose themselves as companions; but that is not necessarily an hard-and-fast rule as I prefer to establish eye contact at least with the boi whom I have in mind and see his response first of all.
- Should a boi join me then I'll buy him a drink: 'Toujours la politesse.'.
- Should we talk, without anything else, then I'd offer him 100.Bh. for the pleasure of his company.
- Should he be agreeable to more then I'd offer him 200.Bh. in recompense.
- Please accept the above as merely general guidelines for Soi Twilight; things could be different in the bars in the Soi Anuman. area.