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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Massage
Thread: Massage
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Old 28th October 2007, 07:55 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

-- Most evenings I walk past 'JIM's PUB.' in Soi Than Tawan, (it's in the same row of shop-houses as 'Indra Massage.' but is nrer. to 'Coca Rest't.'.),. In the small and open entce. area, where the girls sit-out, are two signs: one for Foot-reflexology and the other for Aroma-oil massage.
- Their barker: Ping-pong, early 20s. - and I generally spend a few moments chatting. For the last several weeks he's been trying to get me to avail of their massage svce.: Khun Thai, and just 20YO.!. Eventually I succumbed to his blandishments and we agreed that I'd come-around on sat.,(27th.), between 20.30 & 21.oo.hrs. for a 90mins'. oil-massage.
- I saw him again on the sat. forenoon and re-confirmed the time, wch. he ack'd..
- I arr'd. at approx. 20.45.hrs. and was told that the masseur was on his way and would arrive in 30mins'. time. My face must have given-away my thoughts for Ping-pong amended that immediately to ten mins..
- I went-away and ret'd. after a further 15mins. - having allowed an extra for BKK's. tfc. - ha!
- I was ushered inside, offered drinks, the company of some of their ladies and so on - doubtless all to a purpose.
- After a further ten mins. I got-up and left.

- Dilemma, where to go and what to do? I didn't feel like walking all the way to either 'ARENA.' or to 'HIS.' - anyway, on a sat. evening probably all their better masseurs would have been taken by the time that I would have arr'd.. So that left either 'INDRA.' or 'PRIME.' - after last sat's. experience in 'PRIME.' I made-up my mind!
-- bibi..
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