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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Massage
Thread: Massage
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Old 28th October 2007, 11:32 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

-- After the disappointment with 'Jim's Pub.' I went to 'INDRA MASSAGE.' on Soi Than Tawan, and was assigned to masseur VIEW, a young looking, tallish and slim man on whom I've had my eye for some time. 27YO. from I-San; speaks quite fair enough English for conversations; has been working there for approx.3mos.; lives alone in an appt. on Rama III rd.; formerly married and with a 5YO. daughter who's with his family.
- A fair enough massage, during wch. and unasked he removed his masseur's trousers.
- To better massage my shoulders he stood at my head - so I accepted the invitation. The usual Th. boi std. issue and uncut.
- The 'Extra svce..' was nothing about wch. one would write home: an hand-job wch., despite my taking a 'G7.' tablet earlier, (see 'Herbal Viagra.' thread.), produced no extra special results.
- I spoke with the lady at the 'Receipt of customs.' and gave her the info. for the web-page for the 'Spartacus Int'l. Guide.' who are soliciting entries for next yr's. ed'n., and in the hope that she'll avail of their offer and thus obtain MORE customers so that that place will continue in business.
- Having decided that enough was enough I abandoned any plans for a further night out.
-- bibi..
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