Originally posted by icon513
It's Bank of Thailand regulations, not the individual bank regulations, that are causing you trouble.
... .
-- Yes - I do realize that they're Bank of TH. regs., but my point was that K-Bank now have so many photo-copies of my P'port. that they could have xeroxed one of those, instead of sending me to collect my P'port., (luckily I live not far away.), and I doubt if the BoT. would have been any the wiser.
- MORE transfers, even of lesser amts., still incur swingeing banks' charges - things I try and avoid if possible, they make enough profits, as it is.
- I see that
USD.20,000.oo. are roughly GBP.9,493.oo. and/or THB.629,024.oo..
-- bibi..