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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Massage
Thread: Massage
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Old 23rd November 2007, 03:58 PM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 239

Needing some attention yesterday, I popped into the Fan Club, a place which as been recently mentioned here. As noted, it's very easy to find and a quick walk from the BTS.

I was intrigued that you are immediately led upstairs where you are shown a drink menu and have a chat with the mamasan whilsts the boys are all gathering downstairs. Once they're assembled (on the floor below) you can make your choice.....viewing them through a wall-sized plexiglass window.

I told the mamasan my usual "requirement"......someone with a big dick, and added (as Sextile suggested), who had NOT had a customer that day. The mamasan assured me that ALL of the boys were fresh and they were all execellent at massaging inasmuch as the mamasan had been their massage instructor. Given my "requirements" the mamsan recommended a guy named A...who was the only big dicked guy in the place.

A and I climbed the 3 flights of stairs to a room. Without belabouring the point, what the mamasan neglected to tell me was that A had a big dick because he's had silicone injections!!!!! His dick was THE worst looking thing I've EVER seen (and I've seen a few.....) and he wasn't able to do a thing with it. I insisted that he cum. After a 20 minute jerk, he was able to dribble out 3 or 4 drops.

A, as you can tell, is a total waste of time. However, I quite liked Fan Club and will apply my "3 strikes" rule before passing any type of judgement on the place. They had a lineup of about 12 boys available at 4.30 when I was there. Judging by looks alone, I'd say that more of them were gay than straight.
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