Originally Posted by hcmpp;657412[COLOR="RoyalBlue"
]After an absence of a few months I went to Nature Boys ... . Still they seem not allowed to cum on the premises but each time the mamasan went out a boy tried to. there again.[/color]
-- The last
two times that I went to '
NATURE BOYS.',(several months ago, now.), the MamaSan/Bar-Capt. made it v. clear to me that if any of the boyz with me c*mm*d then I would have to pay
300.oo.Bh. - equiv't. to the usual '
Off fee.'! An effort, I suppose, to keep the boyz '
fresh.' for anyone else who might have wanted to '
off.' anyone of them?
- A signal for me to cease and desist from what I was doing, ask for and pay the bar-bill, give TIPS. to the boyz but
no TIPS. to the bar! And then depart for elsewhere.
-- bibi. --