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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Massage
Thread: Massage
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Old 21st January 2008, 11:40 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

Originally Posted by sloot View Post
... .
Sextile, if you're going by Indra anytime soon, tell May that "Lek from Singapore" says hello, and that I think he's good.
... .
Sextile - ... Not that I'm competing.... just a returning a tribute.
-- Sloot,
- Thanks for your view-point in 'INDRA MASSAGE.' - appreciated!
- No, I don't regard you or anyone else as competing: 'The more the merrier.',as it were, other's originations are welcumed, always!
- If we're writing-about the same masseur then I can't write that I noted his long 'skin., something I might have noticed as they're not amongst my preferences, prefering a shorter 'skin. that reveals just the tip of the glans when flaccid.
- Agreed with your thoughts about the MamaSan's business acumen - not too good, in my non-business judgement; but it's her business, not mine, thank goodness! Last night, mon. and after my usual massage, I spoke with her and enquired about business? 'Bad.' was here one word response; adding that: 'The THs. are not spending money, and with the opening of the new S'bhumi. Int'l. Airport MORE and MORE farangs are not coming-in to BKK. but prefer to go straight on to Pattaya,Phuket, Samui or to other places.'. A tougher minded business-person than me might say: 'Excuses, excuses.' and suggest ways and means of countering this apparent DOWN-turn in business; but I've given-up trying to suggest ways of attracting MORE customers thither.
- I pass-by 'INDRA MASSAGE.' at least once per diem and so shall be pleased to pass-on your message to Khun Mai Ting or whatever we farangs call him in transliteration .
-- By the bye, as you hail from SGP., do you look-at that web-site SGBOY.COM ? I find its Travellers' Lodge thread helpful.
-- bibi. --
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